Madison Heath- Kiyomizudera Temple, Japan

I chose to write about the Kiyomizudera Temple, which means "pure water temple." It was founded in 780 on the Otowa waterfall, located in eastern Kyoto. The temple is famous for its large wooden terrace that has numerous amounts of trees for visitors to see whilst there. The main hall of the temple is home to a small statue of Kannon. Behind the main hall is a shrine of Jishu, which is dedicated to love. In front of Jishu is two stones that are placed 18 meters apart. It is known that if you can find your way from one stone to the other with your eyes closed, that you will have good luck in finding love. As I mentioned earlier, the Otowa waterfall is located at the base of the main hall. Visitors use cups connected to long poles to drink from each of the three separate streams of the waterfall. It is also known that each different stream has a different benefit to it. One to cause longevity, one to have success at school, and one for a fortunate love life. Another structure on the temple would be the Okunoin Hall which is a smaller scale of the main hall. Next to the Okunoin hall are other halls that are dedicated to Shaka and Amika Buddha, and one smaller hall that has around 200 statues of Jizo. On the far end of the temple is Koyasu Pagoda, a place that gives you an easy and safe childbirth if you visit it. The Kiyomizudera Temple was originally associated with the Hosso sect, but has since formed its own Kita Hosso sect in 1965. 


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