Although I am not shy to admit my devotion as a faithful Christian, I have always been interested in Buddhism just because of the stout devotion and beauty of the faith itself. Along with the beauty of their faith comes the absolute beauty of the architecture. This can be seen through the structure know as The Tiger's Nest Monastery which sits nearly ten thousand feet above sea level in Paro, Bhutan. The Monastery isn't accessible by vehicle, but the at the end of the long hike is a display undeniably like no other. It was built by Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye, one of the earliest secular rulers of Bhutan (fourth to be exact), and finished in 1692, and it is said that early Buddhist leader/enthusiast, Guru Rimpoche, meditated there in 7th Century AD. It is still actively utilized by Buddhists and is a tourist attraction to many. Also, many Buddhists travel to the site to practice their religion as well. Although it is a difficult sacred journey to make, it is a beautiful one none the less.
Picture and Information received from Atlas Obscuraf


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