Kayla Bowles - Mount Sinai, Egypt

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In the Judeo-Christian faith Mount Sinai is only one of the four sacred mountains in the Middle East.
Mount Sinai is so sacred to this faith, because Moses received the Ten Commandments at the peak. Moses also being born in Egypt makes it a frequently visited tourist site for a few religions. Aside from being sacred to the Judeo-Christian community it is also a very popular hiking destination. All four mountains are both popular when it comes to religion and hiking. Mount Ararat in Turkey, Mount Moriah in Israel, and Mount Tabor also in Israel are the other three mountains. Mount Ararat is known to be the landing place for Noah's Ark. Mount Moriah is also known as Mount Zion, and is where the Temple of Solomon and the city of Israel reside. Mount Tabor is known to be the transfiguration site of Jesus. Mount Sinai can also be called Mount Horeb or Jebel Musa. Jebel Musa comes from the meaning Mountain of Moses. Mount Sinai also has many places to visit in one. Not counting seeing the mountain itself you can also see  the Burning Bush, Elijah's Plateau, the Plain of ar-Raaha, and the Monastery of St. Catherine.


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