A Walk to the Beach

Sacred Communications has changed the way I think while in nature. Before attending college I would spend a large amount of my time in nature, so when I finally arrived I felt the need to keep up the practice. Most days I'll walk to the James River. I find something relaxing about being near water, and I came across a neighborhood beach on one of these walks. While I'm not nessesarily allowed there, most people welcomed me. It was on one of these walks that I made the connection that this was my form or prayer. While not a religious person, these series of walks acted almost as a service for me. Just like Dr. Reddick had described in his stories, walking had become a form of prayer for me. The repeated action allowed me to clear my mind, and both physically and mentally separate myself from school. I always enjoyed nature, and spending time within it, but I never saw it as more than that. Our disscussions on flow helpped me see how the two could be more connected than I once thought, and made me wonder what other aspects of my life I might find prayer in.


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