Image & Pilgrimage #1

Image And Pilgrimage in Christian Culture #1

Pilgrimage and Liminality, what do they mean?

The Turners define pilgrimage as exteriorized mysticism and liminality as a transition. Honestly, I wasn't sure what these meant either, so I had to do some digging. Breaking exteriorized mysticism down came out with an external spiritual belief and pilgrimage defined as sites 'where miracles once happened, still happen, and may happen again. Liminality is also a part of pilgrimage because "For the majority, pilgrimage was the great liminal experience of the religious life." (p.7). The main clarification is that pilgrims are traveling to experience liminality, unlike tourists who travel for pleasure. This liminality also represents a threshold that stands between a person and their own personal growth. 


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