IRAS Series

Outside Reading #1
In doing research on kenosis in preparation for my term paper, I discovered a series of interesting articles regarding the subject of The Sacred from The Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS). This Institute was founded in 1954 and its mission is to "cultivates a community of informed and respectful inquiry and dialogue at the intersections of science with religion, spirituality, and philosophy in service of global, societal and personal well-being". For my outside reading blogs, I will analyze some of these articles!

The first article is "My Perspective on the Sacred" by Jim Ketzel. Ketzel discusses an example of a sacred place that we discussed in class, the Dome of the Rock. His argument is that a sacred place implies awe and wonder. This relates to the topic of fascinas in the axioms that Belden Lane mentions in Landscapes of the Sacred. 


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