Landscapes #1

Landscapes of the Sacred #1
We've begun to discuss the axioms of the sacred place and I was able to visit the Mormon (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) Temple open house in Raleigh, North Carolina. I wanted to relate the two together since they're both interesting and important to me. 

First Axiom: sacred place is not chosen, it chooses.

Second Axiom: sacred place is ordinary place, ritually made extraordinary

Third Axiom: sacred place can be tred upon without being entered

Fourth Axiom: the impulse of sacred place is both centripetal and centrifugal, local and universal

The axiom that relates the most to the Raleigh, NC temple is the second axiom. When a temple is built/renovated and opened, there is a dedicatory prayer that blesses the temple and allows it to become sacred. I loved the feeling of peace that I got when I visited and saw the temple.


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