"Moss Grows on the North Side of the Trees"

Viewing Nature Interactively #1

As we walked around the Noland trail as a class, discovering many aspects of nature with our marvelous senses, one thing that I always stopped to analyze was the moss that grew about the trail. When I was young, I always loved to read books about plants, and I learned specific things about moss. Depending on the air quality, moss can grow in different colors. For example, orange moss means that the air quality is poor and polluted and green moss means that the oxygen in the air is clean. There was also the myth most of us learned as children, that "moss grows on the north side of the trees". After walking around the Noland trail and analyzing the moss, it does not grow only on the north sides of trees (obviously). The moss seems to be hugging whatever surface it relaxes onto. And as you look closer, you can notice insects on top of the moss that is on top of the tree and/or ground. Moss doesn't do much aside from holding water and making a carpet for the forest floor. There are hidden purposes, however. Moss prevents soil erosion and water loss in the forests where it resides.


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