Phenomenology #1

Phenomenology of Prayer #1
My relationship with prayer

As I continue to read Phenomenology of Prayer, a topic that has piqued my interest lies in chapter 3, "Becoming What We Pray". I love that way that Benson explains how prayer interacts with us, "Prayer belongs to the life of the heart, to the life of the passions and sufferings and joys of mood and emotion." Prayer is in touch with the creative parts of our personality and I personally am a very creative thinker. I wonder if my relationship with prayer is so beneficial and helpful because I think creatively. Praying links us to imaginative poetry and allows us to become linked to what we imagine in our prayers. In order to truly prayer, one must enter the territory of passion. "We become what we pray as we live out "true prayer". When we utilize true prayer we are exuding extreme emotions that are connecting us to our truest passionate selves. 


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