The Appalachian Trail

The Appalachian trail is known to be a spiritual journey because of the intense mental and physical transformation hikers undergo. Today, the trail stretches from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Maine. The volunteers are the backbone of the Appalachian Trail; they consist of teachers, government employees, veterans, day hikers, and thru hikers. With their cooperation, the Appalachian Trail has become an acclaimed spot to explore. One popular hiker was from "The Tabusintac Woman", also known as Jessica Maclean, and how she did the whole entire trail in five months and five days. She mentioned that the hardest part of the journey was to be mentaller prepared; The hardships of having no water, no bathroom, and no "home". But as she continued on her journey, Jessica began to discover how to deal with those difficulties. She always felt the pain and the aches, but she never wanted to quit. Maclean's adventure through the Appalachian Trail shows the positives and negatives of the spiritual journey of the trail. 

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