4 Axioms of a Sacred Place

4 Axioms of a Sacred Place


The 4 Axioms of a Sacred Place are 1. A sacred place is not chosen, it choses 2. A sacred place is an ordinary place, ritually extraordinary. 3. A sacred place can be treaded but not entered. 4. A sacred place is both centripetal and centrifugal, local and universal. These four aspects come together to help a person understand how a sacred place works. Through learning the different ways the axioms have affected people's lives, I wondered if they are actually as periodically in someone's every day life as we talked about? I think it can happen in simple occurrences like going on a walk or driving to school. Like with the author of Landscapes of the Sacred by Lane Belden, and how he experiences the 4 axioms at a spot in a forest in Mississippi. But I think the axioms would be more prominent in big events like where someone has lost a family member or something tragic as happened where it's hard to forget that event. It takes a lot to reflect on these 4 aspects while also experiencing the actions. I think the axioms come after the experience through meditation or some sort of reflection of the event. 


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