5 Miles of Peace

I've never been a big distance runner. All throughout track in high school, I was a sprinter. I ran fast, and got all the pain over with in a short amount of time. Before taking this class, the thought of even walking 5 miles sent a shiver down my spine. I never understood why any of my distance running friends found it enjoyable to run so far. This class has taught me to see outside my interests, and to try new things. I have started running/ walking the Noland Trail every Sunday and Wednesday-- which is something I would have never done in the past. Although, I have realized that it allows me to become more "one" with myself and delve deeper into my thoughts as I peacefully run in nature. It also allows me to become more relaxed and think about priorities to me and my future. The nature setting brings a certain peace to my mind and allows me to let go of all my negative feelings. I think connects to the wildness of the wilderness/ nature, and it grants me access to become detached from the pressures and conveniences of college to let me find what is truly important to me, without societal pressures.


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