A Day at Great Falls

A Day at Great Falls


My cousins and I traveled an hour away from home to visit the park for the day. It was a pretty cold day in the fall, so the heat wasn't too much. We traveled on the many different paths and trails that led us all over the park. Some trails were tougher and longer than others, and it became more difficult as the day went on. The trails we were going on were really steep and there were cliffs right next to them that were hundreds of feet tall. I'm very terrified of heights, so I convinced myself that I wouldn't go too far if we were too high up. But as I started to think about it more, I realized that I should climb the rest of the path. This trail was sublime: it was a beautiful scene with a gorgeous view, but I was so afraid of the treacherous climb and how high up it went. The thought of climbing the ginormous trail where I didn't know what was going to happen next was horrifying and intriguing at the same time. With the convincing of my cousins and some heavy thought, I went for it- and it was so worth it. I faced my fear, and I also saw the awesome view that was waiting for us. 


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