Chicago Roots

Viewing Nature Interactively #2
The Marching Captains had the awesome opportunity of going to Chicago to perform in their Thanksgiving Parade! However, when we weren't freezing our butts off marching down the streets of Chicago, we were allowed to explore the city on our own. My best friend and I decided to go to Millenium Park and continued to explore the city for the rest of our day. You would think in a city you wouldn't see any evidence of nature, but there was way more than we thought! We actually found a dead pigeon on our parade route showing the circle of life, it wasn't super evident how it died... There was also this calming energy that we felt going into Millenium park with all the trees, especially with the leaves changing colors. Even though they were breathtaking, the Chicago wind made sure not many leaves were left. There were also tree roots sticking out from most of the sidewalks near the park. No matter how much concrete we pile onto this planet, it will always fight for its home.


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