Dead coral and the cycle of life

The one item that caught my attention out of all the rest that Dr. Redick had brought to class, was what I presumed to be a rough-looking rock. When I first picked up the rock, I thought that it looked eerily similar to a part of a spinal column. I picked up the rock and felt that the texture was very jagged and bumpy. With my two observations, I thought about whether the rock was once smooth and had been eroded by the environment over time. This led me to think about the rock as if it were a part of a spine again, and I wondered if maybe the rock could be interpreted as a death symbol. As Halloween had recently ended around the time I observed the rock, my story line related to it. It read: "Haunted by death, I started to see rocks as bones. I am reminded that death is a natural cycle of life." Looking back on my story line and interpretation, I realized that single rock had such a powerful impact on my overall outlook on life/death. All things, living and non-living, undergo an ulterior cycle of transformation. It became even more fitting when I learned that the jagged rock was actually a piece of dead coral, of which had experienced a life cycle.


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