Erin Reno- Noland Trail Journal

  What a beautiful day to be outside.  Late October, this time (around 5pm), the sun is setting and very nice on the water.  The woods feel tranquil and quiet, with only the occasional walker/jogger to disturb.  It's not as cold as up north in my grandparents town.  They live in up-state NY, and there the leaves are at their end and you have to wear a heavy coat.  Still, similar to here, they have a lot of pine trees due to the prehistoric sand bank that is near by.  The pines here are a different type though, more coastal.  Other than them though, here the leaves are changing, and you can see and hear small animals on the forest floor looking for food to store for winter.  At first it would seem only the people on this trail are disturbing the peace, but upon closer examination you can see that's not the case.  Or perhaps this sense of "peace" is false, at least in it's traditional sense.  This whole wood is alive, and that in and of itself is where the sense of peace derives from.


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