Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture - Post 1

In Image and Pilgrimage in Christain Culture I thought it was interesting how the authors explained that at the end of a pilgrimage, one will often be taken away from the standard symbolism that they are used to. I found it interesting because of how they explained that it is not simply a cultural change or a nature change, but a symbolic one. This is different because while culture changes can happen, you may still see the same meanings in the surroundings. From buildings to art, one could see similar values being prioritized through different cultures. While on the other hand, a symbolic change is seen through the art and buildings, and even the people sometimes. Toward the end, one may go from seeing little to no religious imagery depending on where they started from, to entire locales that focus almost entirely on it. This can have profound impacts on a person as well, giving a sense of God's wonder and impact.


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