Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture - Post 2

In Image and Pilgrimage in Christain Culture the authors talked about how pilgrimage is different from a tribal affliction ritual. One of these differences is how the person undergoing it receives some therapeutic action, or healing. In an affliction ritual one would expect to be made healthy by partaking in it, while in a pilgrimage one should not expect any kind of healing. The author states that "If a miraculous healing does occur, it attributed to the grace of God." This thought is not something I think many would typically have. I know that at least for me before reading this, and maybe even after, I would expect some sort of healing, message, or some other divine interaction while on a pilgrimage. I'm sure there are many others who also share this thought, and this could be the reason why so many get discouraged while on some sort of pilgrimage. One should not have to search for and expect God's intervention, and they should instead experience it naturally.


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