In My Room by Brian Wilson

In My Room by Brian Wilson


"In My Room" tells the story of Brian Wilson, famous singer and songwriter who was a part of the Beach Boys back in 1960's. However, this song was a solo that Wilson wrote when he began to struggle with his mental health. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia and agoraphobia, which is the fear of places and social situations- anything that could cause any sort of anxiety or panic he avoided. Wilson would spend days alone in his room, being isolated. To others, He had become a hermit, but to him, it was his way of life. His room was his sanctuary; it was a safe space, a place to escape and pray. Wilson's room was an escape from the every day marketplace that he would call the outside world. His sanctuary can be compared to holy places, as they were also known as a holy sanctuary. The comparison was the most intriguing thought in this lesson: how comforting that space was for him, even though it was so simple. But I always wondered, what about the marketplace made Wilson so scared of the outside? Was it the interactions between people, nature itself, or even the wild animals that roam?


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