IRAS Series #3

Outside Reading #3
On a more extreme level, Edward (Chip) Ordman, wrote "What is Sacred?", as an attack on modern society. He claims that modern society has completely lost any common notion of what a sacred place is. With the progression of technology and media, it becomes difficult to stay in touch with the physical feelings associated with sacredness. His solution to combat this negative progression is to retouch old religious traditions. "One of my solutions when faced with many questions which I think modern society cannot answer, or does not have a sensible answer to, is to go further back in religious tradition, to the Hebrew Bible (a/k/a the Old Testament) or the Talmud. I see two classes of answers there. First, the sacerdotal. Religious paraphernalia and ceremony were central to Judaism before the year 70 of the common era, and are much less so today. While their modern cousins merit respect, this is of a limited type." For me, to stay in touch with my spirituality and the feelings I receive from sacred place, I need to be in almost constant communication with my God. Not only having prayer in my voice but prayer in my heart too. 


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