Meaning of Items to Life

It's sometimes hard to imagine a rock, or even a pinecone having so much significance in our lives. Though, I saw after class that these everyday things can. Dr. Redick brought in multiple different objects to class including pinecones, shells, and different rocks. The red, igneous- seeming rock seemed to catch my eye almost immediately when it was put on the table. It was rough with reds and oranges spread throughout it. As a kid, my mom and I walked the dogs everyday through our back trails all over the town. Our dog was named Iggy, short for Igneous (my family has this weird thing of naming all of our dogs after rocks and minerals, I have no idea were it originated from). Just seeing that small rock sitting on the trail reminded me of all the fun walks that my mom and I went on throughout all our trails, with our dog, and finding all the cool rocks and things that were littered throughout the ground. It is crazy how such a simple things, a rock, can bring back such strong memories that I would normally not think about.


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