Music on Distance Trails

MISC Topic #3
Why would you need music on something like the Appalachian Trail? I wonder what our lives would be like without the huge world of music streaming we have today. One hiker says "Some hike to discover themselves, others for spiritual reasons yet there are those who would hike to set a speed record. Then there are those who just want to get away from all of the “stuff” and the hustle and bustle. Oh yea, did I mention solitude and nature lovers. Music while hiking the trail might be useful for some to help them keep pace of the distance they are walking. I’ve heard that others use this time to catch up on tunes they haven’t heard from their favorite artist.  Yet again others just can’t exist without some type of noise."
Even though I listen to music constantly, I think that I would avoid listening to it on the trail. There are pros to listening, however, If I were to distance hike, I would want to "shake off the village" completely to experience my isolated spiritual journey.
I wouldn't mind playing the guitar or the ukulele on the trail though!


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