Nolan Trail Experience

While out on the Nolan Trail, I found it hard to find any one specific thing to hold my interest for more then a few moments, but just when i felt my luck had ran out I found something. On my way back to the parking lot I took a path that led me in to a large open field. In the center of the field stood a massive oak tree that cast a shadow on to the part of the trail that I was walking on. I was immediately struck by not only the tree's scale but also it's presence in the other wise empty field. None of the other plants in the field came more then three feet off the ground. The tree stood alone and I found myself naturally being drawn towards it. when I got to the tree i reached out and felt it's bark. The bark was rough and had the appearance of cracked mud. Being underneath the trees branches I was also able enjoy the relative darkness of the area shadowed by the tree.
I have always found the image of a single tree in a meadow or field very visually appealing. I don't know why it seems to be a trend in fields Ive seen throughout my life, but my best guess would be that it is the product of human intervention.

(not actual photo of the tree)Single Old Walnut Tree On Meadow With Dry Grass Stock ...


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