Noland Trail Spiritual Journey

Enjoy the Little Things too

Image result for Noland trailRocks are everywhere. Trees are everywhere. Ants are everywhere, but how ofter to we actually notice these abundant, yet spectacular, things on our Earth? Walking on the Noland trail lit an interest in me that I have never really had in me-- it is crazy that sometimes things so small are so important in the way things run, though many times they are overlooked. I think that happens in our society too. There are so many people who do important actions, yet the louder people are always seen. Similar to nature, we see the vibrant, beautiful trees, not always the small ant hills or blades of grass. Though, without the grass, we would definitely miss it and notice that it's not there. Walking on the Noland Trail brought these thoughts to me, and the importance to celebrate even the small things in life. We wouldn't be where we are now in life if we only had beautiful flowers and towering trees, and no ants or grass. Same goes for the little victories and things in life. We would not have big victories or exciting times without the little steps on the way to them.


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