PCT Movie

I have always been an outdoorsy person: I love hiking, especially hard hikes. I heard about my mom's cousin who completed the AT. After hearing that, I wanted to complete it sometime in my life. Watching the PCT movie, it made me want to go out and complete the trail. I liked how it is less urbanized and that the scenery is very different compared to the AT. I like the remoteness of the trail and how when you go on it, you are by yourself. I also like the look of the desert landscape that the first 50 miles consists of. I think it allows you to see the differences between the east and the west. Also, like how the landscape can dramatically change when you get from the desert to the mountains. It shows the inconsistency of life, and that you never know what is going to happen. If I were to choose, I think I would choose to hike the PCT over the AT. My family has travelled out to the West states, like UT and AR, and I absolutely loved the landscape out there. I know that Dr. Redick said that going out just to challenge yourself isn't enough to complete the trail, but i think for myself, it would motivate me as I am looking for the meanings that other hikers have found.


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