Daniel Thompson: Phenomenology of Prayer Blog 2

After finishing the assigned portions of the book, I would say it could be simplified tremendously. Not that the book was bad, but it was far too long for too little content. Essentially, the main points of the book could be summarized and explained in a few pages rather than a 300 page novel. The book does make good points though. Some of the main ones being:

  • Praise God for who he is, not just for what he has and can do
  • Forget oneself and focus entirely on God when praying (Kenosis)
  • When asking for things, pray will full belief that they will happen
Despite the wordiness and unnecessary length of the book, it succeeds in its objective. It teaches how to pray to God in a respectful, praising, and knowledgeable manner. It shows he's not just a being who gives you what you ask for, but is also the essence of goodness.


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