The Lions Bridge River

The Lions Bridge River

           On October 29, we met at the Lions Bridge River, located in Newport News VA, for class. We started out near the gate which hovers right over the water. As we looked out onto the water, we could see the sun beginning to set: it lit up the sky with bright purple and pink hues. We walked over to the huge statue of "The Conquering of the Wild". It towered over everyone: there was a horse and a man trying to tame it with a rope. Below the main statue are 4 men in each corner: each of the men had a specific item in their hand which represents the structure of a civilization. They have to tame the wild and use what they learn from the wilderness in order to build up their civilization. We then moved onto the different plants and trees that were around. There were huge Magnolia trees surrounding the area with bright red seeds falling off the trees right in front of us. We also saw Sassafras trees. We each took off a leaf and crunch it in our hand, and were instructed to smell it. It was a strong, citrus smell of lemons and oranges: almost like the smell of cleaning supplies. The Lions Bridge River had many different assortments of plants and other wildlife in the area. Since we've learned so many different plants in class, it was interesting to see them in real life when we visited. 


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