All-nighter with the Boys

Extra Blog (1/4)

Last evening I was spending time with my friends and we decided to pull an all nighter. It’s still the beginning of the semester during the weekend, so it’s not the DUMBEST decision ever. We ultimately got bored of being stuck in the room so we ventured to the Great Lawn. Out there we witnessed other people goofing off so we chose to take it a step further. I grabbed my bike, Josh and Caleb took their skateboards, and Chaz following up on his scooter. We rode all the way to Huntington Beach in the middle of the night. The guys I was with were good friends of mine and tough so I knew they would take care of me if I needed but I’m tough too. We had a great time and sang on the beach and bonded with each other and it was truly a spiritual experience.


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