Casey Estep: Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture 2

What I did find interesting about Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture by Victor Turner and Edith Turner was the ideas of the human view of pilgrimage, especially the idea of pilgrimage as initiation. It seems very unintuitive to take a long arduous journey to serve man rather than God. If one is to take a pilgrimage of initiation, it would be for the group or sect that they are involved in, not their God. I believe that the power of a sacred place or pilgrimage is perspective. In one of my earlier blogs I spoke about the desire of inspiration and the positive effects that it has on lives. I believe that sacred places and pilgrimages drive the pilgrim to focus on what they should be focusing on, the sacred. This focus brings about communication and enlightenment. This is not due to the place or journey having power, but them causing consideration to the people that they effect.


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