Casey Estep: Music

Something that I would have loved to talk more about in this class is the significance of music to spiritual communication. Almost, if not all of my most significant spiritual encounters have been through music in one way or another. The first major spiritual event that I can remember occurred at a summer camp when I was 12. The speaker was just finishing speaking and had started to pray and the Lord suddenly put a short song in my heart that I had heard before. I still remember the lyrics. "I am not my own for I have been made new. Please don't let me go, I desperately need you." This was the first of many significant spiritual experiences that involved music in my life. This sort of realization made me wonder about the different methods of communication that God has with people. Professor Redick is very in-tune with nature and seems to get a large amount of communication from it. I have never had such an experience. I appreciate nature but do not think that I have ever had a significant spiritual experience because of it. This begs the question. Is spiritual experience varied from person to person, or can anyone achieve a spiritual experience from any form of communication?


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