Cognitive Benefits of Hiking

Oct. 3

I wanted to know more about the benefits of hiking in terms of cognition after choosing my topic for my final paper. I found a research article about the benefits of hiking on higher-order cognition, including problem solving and judgement. The study aimed to analyze the Attention Restoration Theory (ART), which states that being in nature can improve higher order cognition processes. The study found that the people who took the Remote Associates Test (RAT) - which tests one’s performance on higher order cognitive processes - before their hike scored lower than those who completed the test on the fourth day of their hike. Furthermore, they saw a 50% increase in performance between the pre-hikers, and the current hikers. There still needs to be research done on the underlying cause of these results, but there are theories, including one that believes nature elicits an emotional response while being low-arousing. This study is particularly relevant in today’s society because of the increased use of technology, even at a young age. If people went outside more and experienced nature, especially by hiking, they would possibly see improvements in everyday tasks that require higher order cognition. This would make people’s lives cognitively easier, as well as promote other life benefits. 
Study: Atchley, R. A., Strayer, D. L., & Atchley, P. (2012). Creativity in the wild: Improving creative reasoning through immersion in natural settings. PLoS One, 7(12) doi:


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