Erin Reno- Images and Pilgrimage in Christianity #2

Adoption of Personal Autonomy of the Virgin Mary
Mary, Mother of Christ, is unarguably one of the most important human figures in Christian faith, second only to Christ himself.  It is through her that the incarnation is possible, but through looking at Christian history, it was pilgrimage which may have influenced a certain zeal for the Virgin Mary in the modern era (nineteenth century).  Through pilgrimages to sacred spots significant to her, the adoption of Mary as a patron saint goes on to provide important identification for those of Christian faith.  Mary is not simply Mother of Christ, but Mother to All because she is the mother of Jesus Christ, who is God in flesh, God who created us all.  In reflection, this helps shape the trends of Christian faith, especially Catholic faith which identifies strongly with the concept of saints and their role in communication between the human and the Holy. 


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