Final Lane Reading

“[seek] escape from [their] own words and the teachings [they] had been doing”
Throughout the semester I have pulled quotes out from Lane's book, and have used his quotes in multiple writing responses of mine. This quote, in particular, is one of my favorites and has stuck out to me each time I have had a writing assignment. The context behind this quote is that a person had to just go on a walk and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It really reflects the concept of a spiritual journey and how once people walk they can find their telos. They can find how they fit into the world. Them walking is all about them looking at the world with a new perspective. By basically letting go of materialistic things one can find out who they are on a deeper level. I thought that so many people can find who they really are by just being alone and just take time to think things over. Solitude allows people to understand who they are and can push forward in life. Though, this is not all that Lane's book is about his first chapter sets the tone for how a sacred journey can impact a person's life.


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