Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture 1

On pages 17 to 18 in Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture the four types of pilgrimage. The first of these are pilgrimages that were started because of a journey that was undergone by some important figure in a given religion. A pilgrimage of this sort is present in all of the world's major religions. The second type of pilgrimages are those which are similar enough to a pilgrim practiced in older religions so that some connection can be implied. The third type of pilgrimage are those popular among people in the christian world (i.e. Europe). These are the ones I am the most familiar with. The final type of pilgrimage are those started in the post Tridentine era. These classifications are all new to me and some seem quite similar to each other if I'm being perfectly honest, but nether the less it is still interesting.


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