Landscapes of the sacred 2

“Seeking a sacred center” places and themes in Native American spirituality

In this passage we read about how if there is a spirit of a place then the place we would find it would be in the Americas, where the Native Americans lived and still to live.  The Native Americans believed the land that which you lived on and where from was just as important as the life you lived. In many ways the Indians believed that where you were bought up is just as important as the personality you have and in many cases they believed that the land around them was the cause for certain personalities. It is for this reason that Native American cultures such as the Navajo never venture far from the place of where they say not only where their people were created but where the believed the world was created. I think they are extremely right to think that the place where one was born influences the upbringing and personality traits one will also develop as they get older. It is for this reason today that people might say that someone is very “country” if they are from rural areas or a beach bum if they are from a beachy area.


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