Lions Bridge

Today we went outside as a class to Lions Bridge. It was a little different, but it did thoroughly apply what we had been addressing in class to the outside. We were able to analyze multiple things, and though I cannot remember the names of the plants we discussed I can describe the. The red leaf I touched was smooth and had a smell similar to an herb. Another plant I was able to touch and smell reminded me of an herb I have used in the kitchen, as well as other dishes I have had. The trees were tall and they were like a canopy over the newer vegetation. I learned how a hurricane had knocked over previous foliage, and as a result, newer plants formed in their sted. The path I walked along, though it looked carved out, had new growth and very little was disturbed. The forest looked so beautiful in its primitive state and preserved from the touch of man. Most of all if people did tread on the ground they took great care to not disturb the natural order in the forest.


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