Natural experience 2

63rd Street

My most favorite thing in the world is going the beach. There is no other place that I feel more at peace at then the beach. As much as I love the beach, if I had to choose any beach to be on it will forever be 63rdstreet in Virginia Beach, VA. I had been going to this exact street since freshman year, and even up to this day if someone proposes another place to go to I will rise up immediately and purpose we go to North End which always means 63rdstreet if I am involved. I never exactly know why I am always drawn to this street, but I have noticed many things about myself as the way I treat this street. I treat this area like a sacred place. I refuse to ever leave trash and I always pick up others peoples trash if I see it. I always invite people into my beach group if they are alone and are looking to be social. Whenever something bad happened in my life I would always come here and just sit because in no other place did I feel more capable to really look at the situation I was in for what it really was. Much like a long distance hiker, the beach gave me the ability to look within myself instead of always looking out. 


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