Natural setting 1

Sea shore state park 

One weekend that I went back home to Virginia Beach, I decided to go for a run at sea shore. The day was beautiful, not a cloud in sight, and something I was even more grateful for was the fact that it was in the upper 60’s this late into October. When I usually go on runs at sea shore I usually just do the trail that’s right next to the water and is only about 3-1/2 miles long. However after I finished that short trail, I still had plenty of energy left and decided that I was finally going to try the other trails that Sea Shore had to offer. Once I began Nolan’s trail which is around four miles there and four back I started thinking to myself why in the world I hadn’t done this before. I had lived in Virginia Beach my whole life and have been coming to seashore to hangout and go for runs since middle school and yet this was the first time I was actually exploring the whole other half of seashore. One thing that had me laughing but also feeling like I was going to die was the fact that I misread the mile sign for how long the trail was and what that meant. I thought when it said 4 mile trail that it meant it was four miles there and back to where I started… This was not the case. Due to this I ended up “running” (I easily walked the last 3 miles) much farther then anticipated and felt like I was going to die from dehydration. Apparently my face showed the defeat I was feeling on the inside because some random man with a dog asked me if I was lost (of course I said no even though I was) and even though I said no he told me the quicker way to go back which I was very appreciated of. On the way back, due to my exhaustion I started to just really take in the scenery around me. This was the point that I really started to realize how spectacular trees were. For I look around me and see so many different kinds, all which standing or bending in multiple different directions but yet still all living. It was at this point that I was thankful for my unexpected journey for it made me realize that everyone is in a way like a tree in a forest. Yes we are all different in one way or another, but at the end of the day we are all the same species just trying our best to survive with what we have and who we have around us.


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