Outside reading 1

Xenophobia  NYT reading

One thing that I have been keeping a close ear to is the growing tensions of xenophobia in America. I feel like every week, I read the New York Times and there’s a new revelation on the growing hatred of immigrants. Even just today I was reading an article about how a 16 year old. Boy how was captured by border control just a week before has died in their custudy. He died due to a flu and lack of medical treatment. The reason I consider this about of the growing xenophobic behavior is because in my opinion this only occurs because there is a lack of empathy and love towards groups which is not our own. I understand why back during the Neanderthal time period why we had to be warry of others coming into our land and possibly being a threat. However that is not where we are today, and I just wonder where all this hate stems from. Many say its their religion that calls for these kind of persecutions, however ask a religious scholar and they would disagree whole heartedly and say that is a misinterpretation of the reading.


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