Outside reading 2

On Liberty by John Stewart Mills

One book I have been trying to read is On liberty by John Stewart Mills. In this book he speaks about what he thinks liberty is and how it should be patrolled. What makes me so interested into John Mills is that he holds the philosophy that if something doesn’t harm or effect another’s ability to be safe or be free then it should be legal. What this translates to in reality is that for example all drugs should be decriminalized because it should be a persons choice if they want to do something like that and the government has no right policing things that a person should and shouldn’t be able to do with their own life. However drinking and driving would be illegal because it puts others at harm. I truly wish we lived in a society more geared towards this. For in my opinion if we had laws like this I believe socially we would become a more accepting society for people wouldn’t look at an action if it is bad or good but simply as a person living the life the want. And by having laws on these kind of actions it gives the public a way to judge others and decide solely off of a few actions, according to the government if that person is good or bad.


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