own topic 2

Why soccer is the best sport for kids

This is a debate I have had with myself and others for years. It started off as what sport was the best. Which I obviously thought soccer because it had been the sport I played all my life. However once my friends and I got deeper into the topic is how we arrived at which sport is the best for kids. In my opinion soccer is by far the best sport for kids. To start off with it teaches them many important values in which every child should learn. To begin with it teaches them how to work as a team. Unlike basketball where there aren’t many teammates one necessarily has to get along with soccer has 11 on the field at all times. Due to how many moving part there are to a soccer team, the child learns not only how to win, but to lose as a team. Where as in football the team is divided up into two teams, offense and defense which can leave kids feeling that it was the other side that caused the lost and not theirs. The other value which gets instilled to kids while playing soccer is that even though it is a team sport, one person can make a huge difference, so never give up on a play or game. This is very important I believe for kids to learn, that yes sometimes it is someone else’s fault that your team lost the game due to a play, however it took many plays before that for that play to happen in soccer. Many people have to of done their job wrong for a goal to be scored. Not just one player. But in that same breath it would of only of taken one player to do their job harder and smarter to of prevented that play from happening 10 seconds before it did, so everyone should realize it is their fault and not just the person it happened to. Which instills what I said earlier the emphasis that one person can make a major difference in the larger scheme of things and sometimes it will go unnoticed but that isn’t always a bad thing.


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