own topic 3

Why the United States should invest in sister cities 

One very cool concept I just heard about today on a podcast is the concept of sister cities. A sister city is a program in which two cities one in America and the other somewhere abroad and let a group of people switch lives for a week. The reason why I love this idea so much is that not only is this a great way to help lower income people travel the world and enjoy life more but even more so it is a great opportunity to help broaden peoples cultural knowledge and acceptance. One major issue America has is accepting other peoples cultures when they bring it over from their nation. It is deeply seen in America that if you are in America then one must do everything the same way it is done here, and if it is not then it is considered to be extremely disrespectful. I believe having a program like this would help everyone gain a greater respect for different cultures and also help people abroad see America in a different light.


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