own topic 4

Why we should increase meat prices

While getting stuck in an endless rabbit hole of video recommendations from youtube I found this particular very interesting video which was about how we could fix the green house gas emissions problem by eating less meat. What is explains is that in reality the world government are going to take to long to not only build but make affordable eco-friendly machines like electric cars or solar panels. Along with this it is unlikely people will be convinced to just stop driving as much or taking airplanes. The quick solution and unorthodox approach would be to increase prices on meat. This may sound crazy but the logic behind it is sound. The logic is that majority of green house emissions actually come from farm animals. The theory explains that farm animals not only produce the most emissions but also they are bad because of how much space they take up in an forever growing population world. The thought process is that if prices of meat went up enough, people would stop buying it, for it would become to expensive, and at the same time that would mean less farm animals being bred which would mean also a decrease in the green house emissions and land taken up by the farm animals. I just wonder why we aren’t doing it yet, and letting the Earth die.


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