own topic 5

What is the purpose of life

One thing I thought about a lot while taking this class was what is the purpose of life. After sitting in on your class and doing my researching on hiking and the therapeutic and spiritual effects it can have I think I found my answer. Many people go into a long distance hike in search of rejuvenation and many come out with it. After doing this research I concluded the reason why many people left a long distance hike with a sense of rejuvenation it is because they find ways to become comfortable with reality, which then makes you present and happy with life. I saw this because many times while in the modern world we are constantly stressing ourselves out over money, bills, looks, and other material items and things which may or may not be in our control. What long distance hiking shows people is that one can never really control anything that’s going to happen in life. All they can do is control how they react and go about it. Like one of the trail journals I read said that after hiking she no longer viewed the world or her strengths and weaknesses as bad or good but instead viewed them for what they were which was strengths and weaknesses of her current reality. It was only once she accepted this fact did, she start to feel this sense of rejuvenation. I then propose that the purpose of life is to become comfortable enough with one’s own reality no matter what that reality may be and being happy with it. That doesn’t mean one can’t change their current path, but it means one should appreciate where they are and where they had come from even if they aren’t where they would like to be much like the long distance hiker.


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