Second Turner Reading

I found this quote as I was reading through Victor and Edith Turner’s book Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture, “the invisibility and intangibility of the spiritual and supernatural [...] create problems regarding communication.”
I definitely think this quote is true. It is hard for religious skeptics to believe in something that they cannot see. It can also be hard for those of a faith who are starting to question their religion because there is no one present to verbally answer them when they call. I also think that someone has to be strong in their faith to overcome this feeling of skepticism. But, then the question arises, “how much can I believe in something that is not visible.” “How can I rely on or trust and being that I have yet to see?” Why has God not replied back to me?” People begin doubting themselves, even though in their minds they are doing everything right in the eyes of God. I definitely feel that this is one of those statements that make people question their religious beliefs. It is also a time for them to reaffirm their faith or leave it.


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