Turner Reading 1

I found this quote as I was reading through Victor and Edith Turner’s book Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture, “we have identified four main types of pilgrimages.”
Originally I thought there were only two types of pilgrimages; the first for personal reasons and the second for religious, so when the Turners said there were four I was captivated.
  1. A pilgrimage established by the founder of a historical religion or its disciples
  2. Have evidence of syncretism with older religious beliefs and symbols
  3. Occurred during the Middle Ages and followed a tone from the theological and philosophical emphases of that epoch
  4. A pilgrimage that grew steadily in the post-Tridentine period of European Catholicism
So, after looking at these it made sense. What I thought of as on pilgrimage was actually a collection of them categorized by any particular religion. It was enlightening to see how other people categorized pilgrimages, but it lacked an aspect that did not deal with religion.


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